Sunday, 16 October 2011

Christmas shopping

I've started my Christmas shopping. Yes, I know it's over two months away, but I couldn't resist drawing up a list of ideas for my partner, parents and friends - and before I knew it, I was tapping away on Amazon and pressing the 'Place Order' button. Three days later, the boxes arrived at home and I've just made a mental note to get some wrapping paper and tags today.

The truth is, when it comes to Christmas, I'm not a last-minute person. I can never quite believe that some people leave it until a couple of days before Christmas Day before hitting the shops in a mad shopping frenzy. Secondly, of course, it's much easier and very often, cheaper to get stuff online. Most of the things that I've been shopping for - books, jewellery and DVDs - are half-price, or cheaper. And thirdly, I'm too impatient to fight with the crowds on Oxford Street and at Covent Garden. London gets very, very busy during the run-up to the festive season to the extent that it's not so much shopping, more unarmed combat. When they do arrive, you fight (well, jostle a bit...) to get into the buses and then, you're packed in like sardines. No, thanks. Give me two hours or so with my laptop, a couple of glasses of wine and I've got Christmas... er, wrapped up, as they say.

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